
Let’s win together

Our strategy is based on our corporate culture,
our values and our mindset: That we need to win together








Our vision is ”Let’s Win Together”

We need to win together by building strong partnerships,
by respecting each other and by taking care of the world around us


We build strong partnerships

We are curious and innovative
when it comes to our
customers’ expectations
about ourpartnership

We challenge our conventional
way of doing things by involving
customers and suppliers in the process

We strive to reach our
shared objectives via mutual
understanding and transparency

We respect each other

We make sure that there
always is a purpose to our tasks

We give each other feedback
with an open and constructive mindset

We recognize each other’s
differences and competences

We take care of the world around us

We set high standards for
ourselves and our business partners

We fight for sustainable solutions

We do not promise more
than we can keep

At Contrast, we are curious about each other

Shared island

We visit each others Islands

Our ‘island way of thinking’ is based on how we communicate with each other and how we attempt to understand different perspectives. Island hopping over to a colleague is about us using dialogue to come together on a ‘shared island’.

Which island are you on?

We often only see a situation or a challenge from our own perspective (our own island). By island hopping, people can expand their horizons and get a better understanding of the whole picture. We get to examine what is on my island, what is on yours, and what we both can agree on.

“Island hopping” is about adjusting your mindset to:

  • be curious
  • show a sincere interest
  • listen and observe
  • be open to what you are hearing
  • inviting others to join you on your own island

When we come together on a ‘shared island’ by visiting each other’s islands, we improve our
ability to work together and in turn our ability to come up with the best solutions.

Green path

Are you on the GREEN PATH or the BLACK PATH?

The ‘Green Path’ and ‘Black Path’ are about thoughts, feelings and behaviour that can either support or work against your desired goals and actions. The Green Path is a metaphor for the positive thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviours that support us in reaching our goals. The Black
Path represents the thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviours that work against our goals or hold us back from accomplishing what we want to accomplish. The Green Path and Black Path are therefore each other’s opposites. It’s a way of thinking.

The Green Path assures us that we have a common understanding of what we need to do, and most importantly: Why we need to do it.

Being on the Green Path is about actively choosing to embrace the constructive, open, curious and nuanced approach to your tasks and how you work together with your colleagues or your business partners. At the same time, it is also about questioning your perceptions if this can help find the
best solutions.

When we remind each other to stick to the Green Path, then it is because we want our thoughts, feelings and actions to work for our common goals instead of against them.

  • There needs to be a purpose to our tasks
  • We need to understand why they are important and what we can achieve
  • Our tasks need to make sense
  • We need to know what is at stake

The Black Path mindset appears if we do not see how what we are doing makes sense and if our thoughts, feelings and behaviours are not in tune with what we are doing. When we manage to become passionate and joyful about what we do, then we are more likely to be on the Green Path – and thus, more likely to create results.


Our culture is built around our five core values,
Which we live every single day and express through concrete actions


  • I meet my colleagues with a smile
  • I display a GREEN PATH mindset
  • I share my successes
  • I have a positive approach to my tasks
  • I praise my colleagues when they have done a good job


  • I care about my colleague’s well being
  • I take responsibility for challenges with a solution-oriented approach
  • I offer my assistance to those who need it
  • I take responsibility for my own work tasks
  • I take responsibility for my own personal and professional development


  • I share knowledge with my colleagues
  • I optimize processes and methods where possible
  • I challenge our conventional way of doing things
  • I think in terms of solutions, not limitations
  • I seek inspiration that can help our customers succeed


  • I visit my colleague’s island
  • I over-deliver on my tasks in the best way possible
  • I display a strong team spirit
  • I bring my competences into play where they can add value
  • I share my experiences with my colleagues and business partners


  • I act honestly and speak my mind
  • I ask for help when I cannot complete a task on my own
  • I follow through when completing my tasks
  • I let someone know if I have made a mistake
  • I make sure that actions and words are in line with each other

A strategy created together

We must win together

In order to fulfil our vision of winning together, our strategy has also been created together. The entire company has been part of this journey and contributed to the strategy, so that we could work together to find out what it is we are working towards each day, why we do what we do and
how we want to do it.

The journey has been long and educational, and it is now extremely clear to us that we need to win together by building strong partnerships, by respecting each other and by taking care of the world around us – and that we need to display our GEIST values while doing so.

Let’s win together