We take care of the world around us
Our CSR strategy is “Let’s Contribute Together”
We take care of the world around us by making demands of ourselves and our business partners,
by fighting for sustainable solutions and by not promising more than we can keep.
Our responsibility
Amfori BSCI – Code of Conduct
The CSR strategy is based on our commitment to amfori BSCI – Code of Conduct and it is focused on ensuring good working conditions, respecting human rights, protecting the environment and fighting corruption
Our responsibility is reflected in our ambitions and actions so that we use transparency and dialogue to develop ourselves in a sustainable direction – for the benefit of the world around us, the planet, humanity at large, business partners and our company.
Our three focus areas are:
Responsible production • Environmental considerations • CSR at Contrast Company
Responsible production
Responsibility throughout the whole value chain
As a member of amfori BSCI, at Contrast we have committed ourselves to strengthening the focus on working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption work.
We recognise that there may be challenges in our value chain, and thereby we also recognise the importance and value of working well together with our business partners. We want to support them and guide them in developing competencies related to sustainable and responsible behaviour and thus ensure responsibility throughout our entire value chain.
Environmental considerations
Sustainable materials and environmentally friendly transport
We know that the textile industry has a heavy environmental footprint. We want to protect our environment and nature by, among other things, removing undesirable chemicals from our products. We recognise that the greatest environmental impact is from the production of our products.
At Contrast Company, we are certified as using sustainable materials and this is where our focus will be moving forward. We are always seeking to use the most environmentally friendly modes of transport when our products need to be shipped to Denmark.
CSR at Contrast Company
Products and Operations
At Contrast Company, we are focused on designing products for our customers that do not contain undesirable chemicals and which are made under proper conditions. We want to increase the proportion of certified piece goods on the textile market and to communicate about and educate our customers on how to select sustainable materials.
A basic principle is that our packaging should be produced by recyclable materials and we ourselves recycle as much of our packaging as possible.
In our offices, we are continually working on our waste management system and we are also working on increasing the amount of waste that we send to recycling centres. We are monitoring our energy consumption and continually optimising by using new and more environmentally friendly technologies.
Our employees are our most important resource. It is critical that people in our company thrive and feel proud about their workplace.
In order to ensure that we are looking forward to coming in to work each day, we have therefore implemented a common code of behaviour that supports our beliefs, culture and values. We are continually working on ensuring high levels of well-being and professional and personal development and we have initiatives to support this.
Our goal is to feel like a single united company. Therefore, it is important for us that our colleagues in our offices in the Far East also feel like they are part of our company. Our initiatives, culture and values thus also apply here.
Social and environmental responsibility
It is important to us that we can ensure the high quality of our products. Therefore, we have chosen to join multiple initiatives that cover the focus areas we have in relation to social and environmental responsibility.
Via these initiatives, we are proud to make positive contributions to good working conditions in our value chain, minimising the negative environmental impacts and ensuring sustainable production processes.
The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals
We support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
We support the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We have chosen to focus on three of the SDGs and we have actively built our CSR initiatives around them. Via our initiatives, we want to contribute to a positive and more responsible development.
GOAL 17: Partnerships for the goals
At Contrast Company, we have both local and international business partners across different industries, companies and organisations. Partnerships and building capacity in the supply chain is needed in order to ensure that the best practices are used. We therefore support certain selected charitable causes and organisations.